Top Stitching Center Front Seam Allowance - Signature Box Top

With wrong side of garment facing up, press center front seam flat.

Starting at bottom of shirt, top stitch 3/8''from center front. 3/8'' is a design aesthetic choice, but also a nice width to secure center front seam allowance to bodice.

Take your time at the back tack at the neckline (I try to back tack right on top of first stitch to keep it looking clean), I back tack about 3 stitches, and forward again 3 stitches for this step).  Start at top of neckline on other side and continue stitching top stich 3/8'' from center front:

Trim any loose threads:

Press seam flat when stitches complete. Consider using a damp pressing cloth on this step between garment and iron to protect fibers from heat of iron (this can create a sheen on certain textiles and is definitely something to consider on steps on bodice front that will be more noticeable).

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