Sewing Tutorials
Tutorials are broken down into different categories including:
Sewing Techniques – Reference Guide
Here you will find sewing techniques that are applicable for finishing a multitude of different garments. This is to help you have a quick reference resource for future projects.
Pattern Tutorials
Here you will find tutorials specific to processes of Third Born Patterns. These tutorials are linked throughout the PDF instructions that accompnay the Third Born beginner pattern series.
Sewing Equipment
Here you will find tips specifically about using your sewing machine and sewing tools to their best potential. These are tips I wish I had known sooner; things I have learned from trial and error, picked up from other sewers/designers, as well as sewing machine manuals. Your sewing machine manual (if you have one) may be your best friend so don't be afraid to dive into yours!
Garment Construction Prep
There are many processes in the clothing construction process that do not involve the sewing machine. This includes steps such as reading your pattern, cutting out your pattern, pre-washing your fabric, orienting your fabric "on-grain", placing your pattern on your fabric properly, blocking your fabric. These steps are often easy to gloss over or simply not executed as you don't know they exist. These steps are some of the most important when sewing your clothing when looking to produce a high quality garment.